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聖歌黑人聖歌黑人靈歌英語:SpiritualsNegro spirituals[1][2]通常是由非洲裔美國人創造的基督教歌曲。[3]





「聖歌」一詞源自詹姆斯國王聖經以弗所書 5:19 的譯本中的「屬靈之歌」,其中說:「在詩篇,讚美詩和靈歌中自言自語,在你心中歌頌「主」。[6] 美國的奴隸之歌是非洲裔美國人聖歌的第一個主要集合,於1867年出版。


雖然非洲裔美國人的聖歌中的許多節奏和聲音元素可以追溯到非洲的來源,但非洲裔美國人的聖歌是一種音樂形式,是土著的,並且是特定於美國非洲人及其後代的宗教經驗的音樂形式。它們是非洲音樂和宗教與歐洲音樂和宗教相互交叉作用的結果。[7] 而且,這種相互作用只發生在美國。在世界其他地區,即使在加勒比拉丁美洲,信仰基督教的非洲人也沒有演變出這種特殊形式。[8]



  1. Negro Spiritual Singers. New Deal Network. [2015-03-21]. 
  2. 5th Annual Negro Spirituals Heritage Day. All About Jazz. 2008-06-16 [2015-03-21]. 
  3. Johnson, James Weldon; Johnson, J. Rosamond. The Books of American Negro Spirituals. Da Capo Press. 2009: 13, 17 –通過Google Scholar. The Spirituals are purely and solely the creation of the American Negro..." "When it came to the use of words, the maker of the song was struggling as best he could under his limitations in language and, perhaps, also under a misconstruction or misapprehension of the facts in his source of material, generally the Bible." "...this music which is America's only folk music... 
  4. "Celebrating Black Music Month", National Museum of African American History and Culture 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2015-04-02.
  5. Why "Negro Spiritual"… A Note About Negro Spirituals. The "Negro Spiritual" Scholarship Foundation. [2015-03-21]. In the United States we cannot seem to get enough of Negro spirituals; contemporary composers, arrangers and vocalists continue to explore and enliven this unique genre. 
  6. 美國國會圖書館的「非裔美國人的聖歌」
  7. Pitts, Walter F. (1996). Old Ship of Zion: The Afro-Baptist Ritual in the African Diaspora. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 74. ISBN 0195111451.
  8. Murray, Albert. Stomping the Blues. New York: Da Capo. 1976: 64–65. ISBN 0-306-80362-3. 
  9. African American Spirituals. Online Text. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/ihas.200197495/. (Accessed January 26, 2018.)