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中國抗癌學會腫瘤測序與大數據分析專家委員會委員;國家消化系疾病臨床醫學研究中心(上海)Cancer Screening and Prevention 雜誌 編委;

北航生物醫學工程高精尖期刊 Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices 雜誌 編委;

Cell Press合作刊 The Innovation雜誌 青年編委;

Cell Press旗下Heliyon雜誌Associate Editor (Genetics Section);

BMC Medicine, Associate Editor (Oncology Section)。





1. 焦亡相關基因的基因體甲基化水平改變可作為肝癌液體活檢方案中的標誌物。Zhang H, Dong P, Fan H, Liang H, Zhang K, Zhao Y, Guo S, Schrodi SJ, Fan Y, Zhang D. Gene body hypomethylation of pyroptosis-related genes NLRP7, NLRP2, and NLRP3 facilitate non-invasive surveillance of hepatocellular carcinoma. Functional & Integrative Genomics. 2023 Jun;23(2):198.

2. 肝臟穿刺組織中的HBV-宿主整合譜提示抗病毒治療可以改變肝臟內病毒整合事件的積累,降低病毒整合對於肝癌發生的風險。Zhang M, Zhang H, Cheng X, Wang X, Xu H, Gao X, Wu R, Zhang D, Xia Y, Niu J. Liver biopsy of chronic hepatitis B patients indicates HBV integration profile may complicate the endpoint and effect of entecavir treatment. Antiviral Research. 2022 Aug 1;204:105363.

3 HBV-肝細胞互作中的基因組DNA甲基化在病理改變和腫瘤發生中的作用。Zhang D$, Guo S, Schrodi SJ$. Mechanisms of DNA Methylation in Virus-Host Interaction in Hepatitis B Infection: Pathogenesis and Oncogenetic Properties. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22(18)

4. HBV-人基因組DNA整合的高通量測序方案以及病毒整合相關功能改變。Zhang D$, Zhang K, Protzer U, Zeng C. HBV Integration Induces Complex Interactions between Host and Viral Genomic Functions at the Insertion Site. J Clin Transl Hepatol 2021, 9(3): 399-408.

5. 在cfDNA全基因組甲基化分析中,確定特定基因組區域在低重數覆蓋度下對肝癌患者的預測性能可以達到全基因組較高測序通量時的同等水平,可以有效降低cfDNA測序量的需求,使基於cfDNA甲基化的肝癌篩查技術有了更廣臨床應用的可能以及在為相關研究中以較低成本進行cfDNA甲基化分析提供了解決思路。Zhang H, Dong P, Guo S, Tao C, Chen W, Zhao W, Wang J, Cheung R, Villanueva A, Fan J, Ding H, Schrodi S. J, Zhang D$ and Zeng C$. Hypomethylation in HBV integration regions aids non-invasive surveillance to hepatocellular carcinoma by low-pass genome-wide bisulfite sequencing. BMC Med.2020;18(1):200.

6. 基於外周血病毒-宿主整合片斷捕獲技術的HBV感染後肝癌預警方案,也可成為靶向病毒整合蛋白免疫治療方案的輔助評價工具。Chen W*, Zhang K*, Dong P*, Fanning G, Tao C, Zhang H, Guo S, Wang Z, Hong Y, Yang X, Lai S, Ding H, Zhao H, Zeng C$, Protzer U$, Zhang D$. Noninvasive chimeric DNA profiling identifies tumor-originated HBV integrants contributing to viral antigen expression in liver cancer. Hepatol Int.2020;14(3):326-337.


1. 泛癌前揭示不同組織從癌前階段向腫瘤階段演化中DNA甲基化特徵性改變的組織特異性。Zhang F, Zhang X, Zhang H, Lin D, Fan H, Guo S, An F, Zhao Y, Li J$, Schrodi SJ$, Zhang D$. Pan-precancer and cancer DNA methylation profiles revealed significant tissue specificity of interrupted biological processes in tumorigenesis. Epigenetics. 2023 Dec 31;18(1):2231222.

2. 高低級別腺瘤全基因組甲基化譜揭示腫瘤基因組中特定位點的甲基化水平改變可以追溯至良性腺瘤的早期階段,可作為結直腸癌早診的標誌物。Fan J, Li J, Guo S, Tao C, Zhang H, Wang W, Zhang Y, Zhang D$, Ding S$ and Zeng C$.Genome-wide DNA methylation profiles of low- and high-grade adenoma reveals potential biomarkers for early detection of colorectal carcinoma.Clin Epigenetics.2020;12(1):56.


1. 肥厚型心肌病患者的DNA甲基化譜特徵改變揭示心肌內的電生理和免疫失調是最關鍵的病理改變。Li X, Fan H, Song X, Song B, Liu W, Dong R, Zhang H, Guo S, Liang H, Schrodi SJ, Fu X, Kaushal S, Ren Y$, Zhang D$. DNA methylome and transcriptome profiling reveal key electrophysiology and immune dysregulation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Epigenetics. 2023;18(1):2195307.

2. 健康個體多組織後合子突變深度分析發現胚胎髮育早期缺氧可在個體基因組中留下特徵標記。Hong Y*, Zhang D*, Zhou X*, Chen A*, Abliz A*, Bai J, Wang L, Hu Q, Gong K, Guan X, Liu M, Zheng X, Lai S, Qu H, Zhao F, Hao S, Wu Z, Cai H, Hu S, Ma Y, Zhang J, Ke Y, Wang Q-f, Chen W$, Zeng C$. Common Postzygotic Mutational Signatures in Healthy Adult Tissues Related to Embryonic Hypoxia. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. 2021

3. 在高度近視人群中分析全部已知KEGG通路中的微效單核苷酸多態位點對疾病發生的貢獻,在3個獨立近視人群隊列中檢驗多態顯著富集的通路,為合作單位提出近視發生中「鞏膜缺氧微環境是誘導鞏膜成纖維細胞向肌成纖維細胞分化,導致細胞外基質重塑」的分子機制提供了遺傳學證據。Zhao F*, Zhang D*, Zhou Q, Zhao F, He M, Yang Z, Su Y, Zhai Y, Yan J, Zhang G, Xue A, Tang J, Han X, Shi Y, Zhu Y, Liu T, Zhuang W, Huang L, Hong Y, Wu D, Li Y, Lu Q, Chen W, Jiao S, Wang Q, Srinivasalu N, Wen Y, Zeng C, Qu J$ and Zhou X$. Scleral HIF-1alpha is a prominent regulatory candidate for genetic and environmental interactions in human myopia pathogenesis. EBioMedicine. 2020;57.102878.


1. 通過Shotgun Sequencing技術,在國際上首次對瞼板腺功能障礙患者的瞼脂、結膜表面、眼瞼皮膚的菌群進行了全基因組分析,發現腺體內的菌群出現複雜的代謝變化,其中的致病菌數量減少,菌群的複雜度降低,但一些致病菌的檢出率顯著提高。

Zhao F*, Zhang D*, Ge C, Zhang L, Reinach P. S, Tian X, Tao C, Zhao Z, Zhao C, Fu W, Zeng C and Chen W. Metagenomic Profiling of Ocular Surface Microbiome Changes in Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.2020;61(8):22.[1]
