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Big Spender(张惠妹)
图片来自 网易

Bid Spender 是一首由张惠妹第一次台北演唱会上唱的特别曲

中文名 大蜘蛛

外文名 Big Spender

歌曲原唱 张惠妹

填 词 Coleman、Porothy、CY/Fields

歌曲语言 英语

发行时间 2001年9月7号 [1]




The minute you walked in the joint

I could see you were a man of distinction

A real big spender,good looking,so refined

Say,wouldn't you like to know

What's goin' on in my mind

So let me get right to the point

I don't pop my cork for every man I see

Hey,big spender,spend a little time with me

Wouldn't you like to have fun,fun,fun

How's bout few laughs,laughs

I could show you a good time

Let me show you a good time

The minute you walked in the joint

I could see you were a man of distinction

A real big spender,good looking,so refined

Say,wouldn't you like to know

What's goin' on in my mind

So let me get right to the point

I don't pop my cork for every man I see

Hey,big spender

Hey,big spender

Hey,big spender,spend a little time with me

Wouldn't you like to have fun,fun,fun

How's bout few laughs,laughs

I could show you a good time

Let me show you a good time

The minute you walked in the joint

I could see you were a man of distinction

A real big spender,good looking,so refined

Say,wouldn't you like to know

What's goin' on in my mind

So let me get right to the point

I don't pop my cork for every man I see

Hey,big spender

Hey,big spender

Hey,big spender,spend a little time with me

张惠妹,中国台湾省人,流行歌坛亚洲天后。首位接受美国CNN专访及登上《时代》杂志亚洲版封面的台湾歌手,华语乐坛最具影响力的重要人物之一,也是华语乐坛90年代中期至今最具代表性的实力派天后。其专辑《姐妹》、《BAD BOY》、《我可以抱你吗?爱人》、《真实》、《我要快乐》、《STAR》、《阿密特》、《你在看我吗》等经典作品使其全部专辑总销量在全亚洲累积更达到5000万张,是亚洲华语流行女歌手销售纪录和演唱会人数纪录保持者。2010年6月,张惠妹在台湾金曲奖连夺6奖,刷新周杰伦赢5奖纪录。
