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  • 汪蘇瀧(Silence),1989年9月17日出生於遼寧瀋陽,畢業於瀋陽音樂學院,中國內地男歌手。
  • 2010齣版首張個人專輯《慢慢懂》。
  • 2012年發行專輯《萬有引力》,並拍攝專輯歌曲《第一首情歌》同名微電影;同年憑藉《萬有引力》獲得音樂先鋒榜、東方風雲榜等多個最佳新人獎項。
  • 2013年1月為網遊《御龍在天》創作推廣單曲《御龍鏡中隱》;11月代言網遊《桃園》,並創作同名主題曲《桃園》。
  • 2014年成立個人潮流品牌SU2,並與好友徐良成立大象音樂;同年發行專輯《傳世樂章》。
  • 2015年7月汪蘇瀧為電視劇《花千骨》創作《年輪》。
  • 2015年10月12日發行個人第三張原創大碟《登陸計劃》,同年11月為新版《射鵰英雄傳》創作電視劇主題曲《愛過誰》,12月推出第一本官方個人寫真《Su-perfect》。
  • 2016年5月,出席MusicRadio全球流行音樂金榜,歌曲《銀河》獲CityFM城市之音點播冠軍;7月,舉辦「汪蘇瀧0917登陸星球北京演唱會」新聞發布會;8月,包攬電視劇《微微一笑很傾城》的影視OST,創作並演唱片頭曲《一笑傾城》。
  • 2017年4月,汪蘇瀧第五張原創專輯《萊芙》正式發行。
  • 2018年3月26日,獲愛回收·第25屆《東方風雲榜》音樂盛典最受歡迎創作歌手獎。10月29日,發行單曲《時空行者》。
  • 2019年3月,加盟唱作人生態挑戰節目《我是唱作人》。






I remember the first time I saw you

You were drifting down Crouse Avenue

You looked like a hot-country-Vermont,

though my eyes were never that good.

Your head seemed to hold itself up high

on that long thin neck of yours

You glanced back, although we never had passed

You lit a cigarette and smiled

And when we kissed it was electric

A chemist made us for each other

but I was far from being your only one

My roommate said he'd seen you before...

There's something missing in us

We try to make it whole

Though it never feels like it, i know you have it all

There's something missing in us

We long to make it whole

Though it never feels like it

I know you have it all

Yeah, I know you have it all

We went to the social development dance

The whiskey went down easily

You kissed the best you had enormous breasts

And we wandered out really early

We were neighbors for a very short time

It all worked out quite wrong

When your boyfriend called

You pressed against the wall

...:"Oh I really gotta go now"....

There's something missing in us

We try to make it whole

Though it never feels like it,

I know you have it all

There's something missing in us

we long to make it whole

though it never feels like it,

I know you have it all

Yeah, I know you have it all

We'd move away when the winters were gone

I think I saw you once in the city

I heard you were staying up North with a friend

And that your hair was falling out

I tried to find out what had happened to you

I Googled you in quotes- got no results

I never learned how you had died

But I knew how you had lived

There's something missing in us

We tried to make it whole

Though it never felt like it,

I know you had it all

There's something missing in us

We longed to make it whole

Though it never felt like it, I know you had it all

Yeah, I know you had it all

Friend my friend, you left us in the end

I remember the last time I saw you

You were floating down Crouse Avenue.
