







担任北京环境诱变剂学会青年专业委员会常务委员;国际环境流行学学会会员;中国建材市场协会人居健康分会理事;BMC public health 杂志编委。




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目‘基于卫星遥感数据的细颗粒物暴露水平对人群死亡急性效应影响研究’(2014-2017)

2. 天津市卫生行业重点攻关项目“天津市空气质量健康风险指数的构建及公众健康风险预报”(2017-2019)

3. 国际(地区)合作与交流项目(NSFC-TRF),‘泰国北部生物质燃烧对细颗粒物化学特征、气候影响和人体健康的复合效应研究’(2018-2020)

4. 欧盟 Health effects and associated socio-economic costs of increasing temperatures and wildfires – A global assessment(2020-2023)



1. Guoxing Li, Qun Guo, Yang Liu, Yixue Li, Xiaochuan Pan. Projected Temperature-Related Years of Life Lost From Stroke Due To Global Warming in a Temperate Climate City, Asia: Disease Burden Caused by Future Climate Change. Stroke. 2018;49:828-834.

2. Guoxing Li, Yixue Li, Lin Tian, Qun Guo, Xiaochuan Pan. Future temperature-related years of life lost projections for cardiovascular disease in Tianjin, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2018;630:943-950.

3. Boya Zhang, Guoxing Li#,Yue Ma,Xiaochuan Pan. Projection of temperature-related mortality due to cardiovascular disease in beijing under different climate change, population, and adaptation scenarios. Environmental Research, 2018;162:152-159.

4. Yixue Li, Guoxing Li#, Qiang Zeng, Fengchao Liang, Xiaohuan Pan. Projecting temperature-related years of life lost under different climate change scenarios in one temperate megacity, China. Environmental Pollution. 2018;233:1068-1075.

5. Yixue Li, Guoxing Li, Qiang Zeng, Fengchao Liang, Xiaochuan Pan: Projecting temperature-related years of life lost under different climate change scenarios in one temperate megacity, China. Environ Pollut 2018, 233,1068-1075.

6.Jing Huang, Qiang Zeng, Xiaochuan Pan, Xinbiao Guo, Guoxing Li: Projections of the effects of global warming on the disease burden of ischemic heart disease in the elderly in Tianjin, China. BMC Public Health 2019, 19,1465.

7. Jie Li, Jing Huang, Ru Cao, Peng Yin, Lijun Wang, Yang Liu, Xiaochuan Pan, Guoxing Li#, Maigeng Zhou#. The association between ozone and years of life lost from stroke, 2013-2017: a retrospective regression analysis in 48 major Chinese cities,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021,405,124220. (Corresponding author)

8. Guoxing Li, Jing Huang, Jinwei Wang, Minghui Zhao, Yang Liu, Xinbiao Guo, Shaowei Wu, Luxia Zhang. Long-term exposure to ambient PM2.5 and increased risk of chronic kidney disease prevalence in China,Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,2021,32,448-458.(Co-first author)

9. Jing Huang, Xiaochuan Pan, Xinbiao Guo, Guoxing Li#. Health impact of China's Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan: an analysis of national air quality monitoring and mortality data. Lancet Planet Health. 2018;2:e313-e323.

10. Huang Jing, Xiaochuan Pan, Xinbiao Guo, Guoxing Li#. Impacts of air pollution wave on years of life lost: A crucial way to communicate the health risks of air pollution to the public. Environment International, 2018;113:42-49.李国星,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,任职于北京大学公共卫生学院劳动卫生与环境卫生学系。2011毕业于北京大学,获博士学位。2012年在新西兰奥克兰大学流行病学系进行访问交流,2021年在帝国理工学院交流。[1]
