

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
國籍 中國
職業 清華大學汽車工程系 助理研究員




1999.9-2003.7 吉林大學車輛工程專業,工學學士

2003.9-2009.1 北京航空航天大學車輛工程專業,工學博士


2009.01-2011.12 清華大學汽車工程系 博士後

2010.10-2011.03 日本JTEKT研究所 訪問學者

2011.12- 清華大學汽車工程系 助理研究員









[1] Liu Yahui, Ji Xuewu, Hayama Ryouhei, Mizuno Takahiro, Lou Liming. "Function of shoulder muscles of driver in vehicle steering maneuver,"Science in China Series E:Technological Sciences, 2012, v55(12), pp.3445-3454.

[2] Liu Yahui, Ji Xuewu. "Matching strategy of electric power steering assistant characters based on the vehicle inherent road feel," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2011, v225(11), pp.1481-1491.

[3] Hayama Ryouhei, Liu Yahui, Ji Xuewu, Mizuno Takahiro, Kada Tomoyasu, Lou Liming. "Preliminary research on muscle activity in driver's steering maneuver for driver's assistance system evaluation," Proceeding of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 195, 2012, pp.723-735.

[4] Liu Yahui, Ji Xuewu, Hayama Ryouhei, Mizuno Takahiro, Kawahara Sadahiro, Lou Liming. "Research on EMG signals of shoulder and upper limb muscles within steering maneuvre - part 1: Identification of the main muscles and their roles,"First International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward zero-traffic-accident (FAST-zero'11), 2011.

[5] Hayama Ryouhei, Mizuno Takahiro, Kawahara Sadahiro, Lou Liming, Liu Yahui, Ji Xuewu, "Research on EMG Signals of Shoulder and Upper Limb Muscles within Steering Maneuvre - Part 2: Identification of the Activation Order," First International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward zero-traffic-accident (FAST-zero'11), 2011.

[6] Liu Yahui, Ji Xuewu. "Research on the co-contraction of shoulder and upper limb muscles in driver's steering manoeuvre," 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE2010, 2010, pp.5781-5784.

[7] 劉亞輝, 季學武. "汽車轉向系統可變助力特性設計," 汽車工程, 2010, v32(3), pp.238-243.

[8] Liu Yahui, Ji Xuewu. "Simulation of cavitation in rotary valve of hydraulic power steering gear," Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2009, v52(11), pp.3142-3148.

[9] 劉亞輝, 夏甫根, 季學武. "駕駛員轉向研究中的神經肌肉力學方法," 2009年度中國汽車工程學會轉向技術分會學術年會, 2009年11月, 山東煙臺.

[10] 劉亞輝, 高峰, 季學武. "前置穩壓閥對ECHPS助力特性的影響," 北京航空航天大學學報, 2008, v34(11), pp.1247-1249, 1253.

[11] 高峰, 劉亞輝, 季學武, 郭曉林. "電控液壓助力轉向系統的初步匹配計算," 北京航空航天大學學報, 2007, v33(5), pp.605-607.

[12] Liu Yahui, Gao Feng, Ji Xuewu. "Influence of the length of valve slots into ECHPS Performance," 14th Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference (APAC-14), SAE Paper 2007-01-3675.

[13] Ji Xuewu, Liu Yahui, Gao Feng. "Liquid stream in the rotary valve of the hydraulic power steering gear," 2007 Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress and Exhibition, SAE Paper 2007-01-4237.
