
張勇 (講師)檢視原始碼討論檢視歷史

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋



(一)學習與工作經歷 2018.07-至今:北京科技大學,化學與生物工程學院,講師。 2016.02-2017.04:清華大學藥學院,博士後聯合培養。 2013.10-2018.02:中國人民解放軍陸軍軍醫大學(原第三軍醫大學),軍事預防醫學院,博士後,專業:公共衛生與預防醫學。 2007.09-2013.07:內蒙古農業大學 乳品生物技術與工程教育部重點實驗室 博士 ,專業:農產品加工及貯藏工程。 2003.09-2007.06:內蒙古農業大學 食品科學技術與工程學院,學士,專業:食品科學技術與工程。


承擔國家科研項目 主持或主要參與國家自然基金,國家重點研發計劃,北京市青年拔尖人才項目,重慶博士後科學基金等科研項目6項:


(一)獲獎情況 2018年,被北京市科委和組織部評為北京市青年拔尖人才。 (二)國家發明專利(申請專利2項): (1)萬向元、孫倩、張勇、劉欣潔、李金萍,一種具有調節血糖和膽固醇水平等益生功能的嗜酸乳桿菌La-SJLH001及其應用,申請號:201811225610.6。 (2)萬向元、張勇、孫倩、劉欣潔、李金萍,一種具有減脂等功能的納豆芽孢桿菌Bn-SJLH001益生作用及其應用,申請號:201811192859.1。



1.Qian Sun#, Yong Zhang#(張勇), Ziwen Li, Hai Yan, Jinping Li and Xiangyuan Wan*. Mechanism analysis of improved glucose homeostasis and cholesterol metabolism in high-fat-induced obese mice treated with La-SJLH001 via transcriptomics and culturomics. Food & Function, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9FO00205G. (SCI IF 3.3,大類TOP1區期刊).

2. Yong Zhang#(張勇), Qian Sun#, Ziwen Li, Hongyuan Wang, Jinping Li, Xiangyuan Wan*. Fermented soybean powder containing Bacillus subtilis SJLH001 protects against obesity in mice by improving transport function and inhibiting angiogenesis. Journal of Functional Foods, 2019, 59, 60-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.jffff.2019.05.033.(SCI IF 3.47,小類TOP1區期刊)。

3. Zhang Y(張勇), Zhang Y, Sun K, Meng Z, Chen L*.The SLC transporter in nutrient and metabolic sensing, regulation, and drug development. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2018, 11(1):1-13. (IF=5.595,細胞生物學2區 )

4. Zhang Y(張勇), Kang C, Wang X, Zhou M, Chen M, Zhu X, Liu K, Wang B, Zhang Q, Zhu J, Mi M*. Dietary factors modulate colonic tumorigenesis through the interaction of gut microbiota and host chloride channels. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2018,62(5):1-12.(IF=5.190,食品科技1區 TOP期刊).

5.Zhang Y(張勇), Wang X, Chen M, Zhu X, Liu K, Wang J, Hui S, Zhang Q, Zhu J, Wang B, Mi M*. Crosstalk between gut microbiota and Sirtuin-3 in colonic inflammation and tumorigenesis. Experimental & Molecular Medicine, 2018;50(4):21.(IF=5.063,醫學:研究與實驗2區)

6.Kang C#, Zhang Y#(張勇,共同第一作者), Zhu X, Liu K, Wang X, Chen M, Wang J, Chen H, Hui S, Huang L, Zhang Q, Zhu J, Wang B, Mi M*.Healthy subjects differentially respond to dietary capsaicin correlating with the specific gut enterotypes. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2016 ;101(12):4681-4689. (IF=5.531,內分泌學與代謝2區 TOP期刊)

7.Zhang Y(張勇), Ma C, Zhao J, Xu H, Hou Q, Zhang H*. Lactobacillus casei Zhang and Vitamin K2 prevent intestinal tumorigenesis in mice via adiponectin-elevated different signaling pathways. Oncotarget, 2017,11;8(15):24719-24727.

8.Zhang Y(張勇), Guo X, Guo J, He Q, Li H, Song Y, Zhang H*. Lactobacillus casei reduces susceptibility to type 2 diabetes via microbiota-mediated body chloride ion influx. Scientific Report, 4, 5654, 2014. (IF:4.259,多學科科學3區)

9.Zhang Y(張勇), Wang L, Zhang J, Li Y, He Q, Li H, Guo X, Guo J, Zhang H.*,Probiotic Lactobacillus casei Zhang ameliorates high-fructose-induced impaired glucose tolerance in hyperinsulinemia rats, European Journal of Nutrition, 53(1), 221-232, 2014.(IF: 4.370,營養學2區)

10.Zhang Y(張勇), Du R, Wang L, Zhang H*, The antioxidative effects of probiotic Lactobacillus casei Zhang on the hyperlipidemic rats, European Food Research and Technology, 231(1), 151-158,2010.(IF: 1.664, 食品科學與技術3區)

11.Zhang Y(張勇), Liu Y, Bao Y, Zhang H*,Influence of pH, heat and enzymatic treatments on the activity of antibacterial substance in MRS and milk medium by Lactobacillus fermentum F6,Agriculture Sciences in China, 9(6), 911-920, 2010.(IF: 0.724,農業綜合4區)[1]
