

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2014.9 - 至今

北京大學化學學院,副教授 2011.8 - 2014.9


2009.07 - 2011.08


2007.10 - 2010.12

荷蘭埃因霍恩理工大學(Eindhoven University of Technology)應用物理系, 博士

2004.09 - 2009.07


2000.09 - 2004.06






1 J. Zheng, R. Yang, L. Xie, J. L. Qu, Y. Liu, and X. G. Li, Plasma-Assisted Approaches in Inorganic Nanostructure Fabrication Advanced Materials 22, 1451 (2010).

2 J. Zheng, R. Yang, W. M. Chen, L. Xie, X. G. Li, and C. P. Chen, Iron nitride thin films deposited by chloride assisted plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition: facile stoichiometry control and mechanism study Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 42, 185209 (2009).

3 J. Zheng, Y. Yang, B. Yu, X. B. Song, and X. G. Li, [0001] oriented aluminum nitride one-dimensional nanostructures: Synthesis, structure evolution, and electrical properties ACS Nano 2, 134 (2008).

4 J. Zheng, B. Sun, R. Yang, X. B. Song, X. G. Li, and Y. K. Pu, Metal Al produced by H2 plasma reduction of AlCl3: A thermodynamic and kinetic study on the plasma chemistry Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112,12748 (2008).

5 J. Zheng, X. B. Song, X. G. Li, and Y. K. Pu, Large-scale production of amorphous silicon oxynitride nanowires by nickel-catalyzed transformation of silicon wafers in NH3 plasma Journal of Physical Chemistry C112, 27 (2008).

6 J. Zheng, X. B. Song, N. Chen, and X. G. Li, Highly symmetrical CdS tetrahedral nanocrystals prepared by low-temperature chemical vapor deposition using polysulfide as the sulfur source Crystal Growth & Design 8,1760 (2008).

7 J. Zheng, X. B. Song, Y. H. Zhang, Y. Li, X. G. Li, and Y. K. Pu, Nanosized aluminum nitride hollow spheres formed through a self-templating solid-gas interface reaction Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180, 276 (2007).

8 J. Zheng, X. B. Song, B. Yu, and X. G. Li, Asymmetrical AlN nanopyramids induced by polar surfaces Applied Physics Letters 90, 193121 (2007).

9 J. Zheng, Y. H. Zhang, X. B. Song and X. G. Li, Formation of polyhedral ceria nanoparticles with enhanced catalytic CO oxidation activity in thermal plasma via a hydrogen mediated shaping mechanism, J. Nanoparticle Res, In press[1]
