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{{Infobox person| 姓名 = 孙鑫 | 图像 = [[File:孙鑫.jpg|缩略图|center|[http://www.casad.cas.cn/wcm/sourcedb_ad_cas/zw2/json/sxwlxb/201312/W020131220300484432371.jpg 原图链接]]]| | 性别 = 男| 出生日期 =1938年7月| 国籍 = 中国| 民族 = 汉| 籍贯 =江苏省扬州市| 职业 =凝聚态物理学家| 母校 = 复旦大学 教授) 编辑 物理系}} <big><big>''' 孙鑫 '''</big></big><big><ref>[http://www.casad.cas.cn/aca/371/sxwlxb-201312-t20131219_4001988.html 中国科学院 院士 ] </ref></big><big><ref>[1] ,1935年生人,教授。江苏扬州人。历任 http://www.physics.fudan.edu.cn/tps/people/xsun/ 复旦大学 副教授、教授。物理系] </ref></big><big><ref>[http://gscaep.ac.cn/index.php/divisions/view?id=16 中国工程物理研究院研究生院 ] </ref></big>
本 名孙鑫 <br> 凝聚态物理学家。1938年7月 出生 江苏 扬州 市。1960年毕业于复旦大学物理系。2013年当选中国科学院院士。 复旦大学教授。 主要从事统计物理和凝聚态理论研究,近年着重将凝聚态物理和高分子化学相结合,研究有机光电功能的机理。曾解析求得相变理论中的临界指数 δ =7,并表明其能满足全部七个Scaling等式;与合作者预言了孤子存在一类新的振动模,后来得到实验证实;发展了宽能带的 π 电子关联理论,澄清了高分子“共轭结构”产生原因的争论;提 生时间高分子具有“光致极化反转”、自旋载子的“光致电荷变号”等一系列独特的光电功能。 <br>== 教育背景 ==11960年毕业于复旦大学物理系。== 工作经历 ==* 1985年在高聚物理论中发现了交错定域振动模。* 2013年12月19日被中国科学院授予院士称号。== 研究方向及领域 ==研究方向:统计物理和凝聚态理论、低维凝聚态物理。== 科研成果 ==撰有论文《修正F模型的临界指数δ》,著有《低维凝聚态物理》。== 主要奖项及荣誉==1935 1986 获国家教委科技进步奖二等奖。==学术成就及著作== 性 别发表的文章:1. Journal of Fudan University, 8, 343(1963).Influence of Impurities to Transition Temperature of SuperconductorXin Sun, Ruon Ke-fei and Ye Ling.<br>2. Acta Physica Sinica, 20, 193(1964).The Interaction between S-Electron and Spin Wave in FerromagnetXin Sun.<br>3. Acta Physica Sinica, 20, 940(1964).The Thermodynamic Property of FerromagnetXin Sun, Ye Hong-juan and HuangJing-yi.<br>4. Journal of Fudan University, 9, 539(1964).The Theory of Superconductivity in Quasi Particle RepresentationXin Sun, Tao Rui-bao.<br>5. Acta Physica Sinica, 21, 880(1965).Proof of Asymptotic Accuracy of BCS Superconducting Ground StateTao Rui-bao, Xin Sun, and Zhou Si-xun.<br>6. Acta Physica Sinica, 21, 1776(1965).The Resonant Frequency of the Anisotropic FerromagnetXin Sun.<br>7. Journal of Fudan University, 11, 59(1966)Power-Flow Relations between Mixed Waves and Third HarmonicXin Sun.<br>8. Physics, 2, 122(1973).The Excited States of H--Xin Sun.<br>9. Scientia Sinica, XVIII, 483 (1975).Some Problems on Gauge Field TheoriesGu Chao-hao, Chen-Ning Yang, Hu He-sheng, Shen Chun-li, Su Ru-keng, Xin Sun, Xia Daq-xing and Yan Shao-zong.<br>10. Fudan Journal, No.3, 37(1975).Three-Body Bound States of Coulomb InteractionXin Sun.<br>11. Fudan Journal, No.4, 95(1975)The Scaling Law of a Non-Symmetrical Eight-Vertex ModelXin Sun.<br>12. Fudan Journal, No.2, 70(1976).Eigen-Vector Potential and Gauge Problem of Electromagnetic FieldXin Sun, Su Ru-Keng.<br>13. Acta Physica Sinica, 25, 487(1976).A Phase Transition Model not in Accordance with the Scaling LawXin Sun.<br>14. Fudan Journal, No.2, 37(1977).A Graphic Method for the Antiferromagnetic Phase TransitionXin Sun.<br>15. Fudan Journal, No.4, 27(1977).Capture of Nuclei by a MonopoleXin Sun, Zhou Ru-Wei and Xu Bin -ruo.<br>16. Acta Physica Sinica, 27, 430(1978).The Spectra of Monopole Hydrogen AtomXin Sun, Lu Tan and Luo Liao-fu.<br>17. Acta Physica Sinica, 27, 752(1978).The Collective Excitation in Charged Surface LayerXin Sun.<br>18. Acta Physica Sinica, 27, 583(1978).A 3D Hydrogen-Bond Model with Two Critical PointsXin Sun.<br>19. Fudan Journal, No.4, 52(1978).The Bound States of Baryon and MonopoleXin Sun, Ren Shao- Xu and Su Ru-Keng.<br>20. Fudan Journal, No.1, 90(1979).A Kind of Soluble Three Dimensional Lattice ModelXin Sun.<br>21. Kexue Tongbao, 24, 443(1979).The Soliton in the Solids with Chain StructureXin Sun and Li Hong-fang.<br>22. J. Phys. C, 12, L637 (1979).Critical Polarization of Modified F ModelXin Sun and F.Y.Wu.<br>23. Phys. Rev. 22, 3230(1980).Theory of Quantum Solids: Effect of Lattice Symmetry and Anisotropy in the Pair-Correlation FunctionTie-cheng Li, Xin Sun and Chia-wei Woo.<br>24. Journal of Fudan University, 19, 30(1980).The Many-Body Correlation and Phase Transition for FerromagnetsZhu Xue-yuan and Xin Sun.<br>25. Journal of Fudan University, 19, 347(1980)The Charged Layer in Surface of Metal<br>Xin Sun, Li Hong-fang, Jin Shang-nian and Huang Jing-yi.<br>26. Physica, 106A, 292(1981).The Critical Isotherm of the Modified F ModelXin Sun and F.Y.Wu.<br>27. Recent Progress in Statistical Physics (Science Press, Beijing, l981), p.148.The Cooperative Phenomena in Low Dimensional SystemsXin Sun.<br>28. Acta Physica Sinica, 31, 1466(1982).Correlated Wave Function Theory for Metal Surface (I)Xin Sun, Tie-cheng Li and Chia-wei Woo.<br>29. Acta Physica Sinica, 31, 1474(1982).Correlated Wave Function Theory for Metal Surface (II)Xin Sun, Tie-cheng Li and Chia-wei Woo.<br>30. Chapter 5, Green Function's Theory of Quantum Statistics. (Science Press, Beijing, 1983) p.194.Xin Sun.<br>31. Journal of Fudan University, 22, 7(1983).The Effect of the Normal Motion on the Solidification of He4 Physisorbed MonolayerXin Sun, Zhou Ru-wei, Xu Bing-Ruo, and Dong Jin-Ping.<br>32. Phys. Rev. B27, 3913(1983).The Correlated Basis Function Theory of Metal Surfaces: Preliminary ResultsXin Sun, Tiecheng Li, Mani Farjam and Chia-wei Woo.<br>33. Commun. In Theor. Phys. 2, 1157(1983).A Phase Transition Model with Perpetual OrderXin Sun.<br>34. Phys. Rev. B28, 5599(1983).Correlated Basis Function Theory of Metal SurfacesXin Sun, Many Farjam and Chia-wei Woo.<br> 35. Acta Physica Sinica, 33, 1269(1984).Stability of Two Dimensional Electron GasXie Han-kun, Zhou Shi-xun and Xin Sun.<br> 36. Acta Physica Sinica, 33, 1719(1984).The Correlation Function of Electron at Metal Surfaces (I)Wei-guo Feng and Xin Sun.<br>37. Solid State Commu. 53, 973 (1985).Vibrational Mode of Polaron in Trans-(CH)xXin Sun. L. Chen and E.X. Yu<br>38. Solid State Commu. 56, 1039(1985).The Infrared Active Localized Modes of Soliton in Trans-(CH)xXin Sun, Chang-qin Wu and Xue-chu Shen.<br>39. Chinese Physics Letters, 2, 141(1985).A Criterion for Two Kinds of Peierls TransitionsZhao-rong Wang, Chang-qin Wu and Xin Sun.<br>40. Chinese Physics Letters, 2, 561(1985).The Localized Vibrational Modes of Soliton in Trans-(CH)xChang-qin Wu, Xin Sun and Rou-li Fu.41. Acta Physica Sinica, 34, 866(198<br>5).The Electron Correlation Function of Al SurfaceWei-guo Feng and Xin Sun.<br>42. Journal of Fudan University, 24, 165(1985).The Correlation Function of Electrons at Metal Surface (II)Wei-guo Feng and Xin Sun.<br>43. Journal of Fudan University, 24, 389(1985).The Correlation and Wave Function of 2D Electron SystemLei Chen, En-xi Yu, and Xin Sun.<br>44. Progress in Physics, 5, 467(1985).The Progress in Low Dimensional Condensed Matter Physics (I)Xin Sun.<br>45. Phys. Rev. B33, 8772(1986).Effect of the e-e Interaction on the Localized Modes of Solitons in PolyacetyleneChang-qin Wu and Xin Sun.<br>46. Physica, 143B, 222(1986The Anisotropy and Peierls Transition in Quasi 1D ConductorsXin Sun, Zhao-rong Wang and Chang-qin Wu.<br>47. Surface Science, 170, 422(1986).The Instability of 2D Electron Gas at High DensityXin Sun, Han-kun Xie and Shi-Xun Zhou.<br>48. Proceedings of Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Theory, Shanghai, ed.Xide Xie, 88( 1986).The Staggered Mode of Soliton and the Infrared Absorption in PolyacetyleneXin Sun, Chang-qin Wu.<br>49. Acta Physica Sinica, 35, 598(1986).The Real Space Calculation for Correlation Function of Metallic ElectronsWei-guo Feng, Xin Sun.<br>50. Acta Phys.Temp. Humilis Sinica 8, 89(1986).The Electron Correlation and Many Body Wave Function in 2D SystemsEn-xi Yu, Xin Sun and Yong-jia Qian.<br>51. Progress in Physics, 6, l (1986).The Progress in Low Dimensional Condensed Matter Physics (I1)Xin Sun.<br>52. Progress in Physics, 6, 121(1986).The Progress in Low Dimensional Condensed Matter Physics(III)Xin Sun.<br>53. Physics, 15, 129(1986).The Dimensionality in Condensed Matter PhysicsXin Sun.<br>54. Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 831 (1987).Electron Correlation and Bond Alternation in PolymersChang-qin Wu, Xin Sun and Keiichiro Nasu.<br>55. Phys. Rev. B35, 4102(1987).Vibrational Modes around Soliton in Strongly Coupled One-Dimensional Electron-Lattice SystemsXin Sun. Chang-qin Wu, Rou-li Fu, Shi-jie Xie and Keiichiro Nasu.<br>56. Solid State Commun. 61, 49(1987).Solitons in 1D Electron-Lattice Coupled System with Quarter Filled BandXin Sun and Chang-qin Wu.<br>57. Synthetic Metals, 17, 39(1987).The Localized Modes of Soliton and Infrared Absoption in PolyacetyleneXin Sun, Chang-qin Wu, Rou-li Fu and Xue-chu Shen.<br>58. Proceedings of Asia Pacific Symposium on Surface Physics, Shanghai, ed. Xide Xie, 348(1987).The Correlation Function of 2D Electron SystemEn-xi Yu, Xin Sun and Yong-jia Qian<br>59. Chinese Physics Letters, 4, 349(1987)New Localized Electronic States of Soliton in Trans-(CH)xRou-li Fu, Shi-jie Xie, Chang-qin Wu and Xin Sun.<br>60. Commun. in Theor. Phys. 7, 293(1987).Effects of the Soliton Configuration on the Localized Modes In PolyacetyleneChang-qin Wu and Xin Sun.<br>61. Acta Physica Sinica, 36, 1133(1987).The Electron Correlation Function of Quasi lD SystemsWei-guo Feng and Xin Sun.<br>62. Chin. J. Infrared Res., 6B, 23(1987)A New Localized Mode of Soliton and Infrared Absorption in PolyacetyleneRou-li Fu, Chang-qin Wu, Xue-chu Shen and Xin Sun.<br>63. Acta Physica Sinica, 36, 1141(1987)The Localization of Vibrational Modes around the SolitonShi-jie Xie, Zhong-yi Li and Xin Sun.<br>64. Journal of Fudan University, 26, 186(1987)The Localized States Near the End of the Polyacetylene ChainXiao-feng Pang, Ming Yan, Qin Li. and Xin Sun.<br>65. The Soliton and Polaron in Polymers (book)(Sichuan Education Press, 1987)Xin Sun.<br>66. Commun. in Theor. Phys. 7, 381(1987).The Bound States around the Dopants in PolyacetyleneMing Yan, Qin Li, Xin Sun and Xiao-feng Pang.<br>67. Acta Physica Sinica, 37, 502(1988)The Localized Vibrational Modes of One-Dimensional PolaronBiao Xing and Xin Sun.<br>68. Acta Physica Sinica, 37, 507(1988).New Localized Electron State of Polaron in PolyacetyleneBiao Xing and Xin Sun.<br>69. Phys. Rev. B38, 6298(1988).Bound States Trapped by the Soliton in SSH ModeRou-li Fu, Zhigang Shuai, Jie Liu, Xin Sun and J.Charles Hicks.<br>70. Superlattices and Microstructures, 4, 293(1988).The Microstructures of Soliton in 1D Conductors with 1/4 Filled BandXin Sun, Chang-qin Wu and S.DasSarma<br>71. Commun. in Theor. Phys. 10, 161(1988).Lattice Vibration Spectra in 1D ConductorsFan Ling, Chang-qin Wu and Xin Sun.<br>72. Acta Physica Sinica, 37, 1298(1988).Theory of Hydrogen Chemisorption on Metal SurfacesWei-guo Feng, Xin Sun and Chia-Wei Woo.<br>73. Synthetic Metals, 27, Al(1988).Electron Interaction in Conducting Polymers and Its Effect on DimerizationXin Sun,Rouli Fu, Zhigang Shuai, Chang-qin Wu, and Jun Li.<br>74. Chinese J. Low Temp. Phys. 10, 253(1988).Structural Instability in High Tc Superconductor La2-x-Bax-Cu-04Zhigang Shuai, Chang-qin Wu and Xin Sun.75. Chinese Physics Letters, 6, 370(1989)<br>.Electron Correlation and Many-Body Wave Function of Semiconductor HeterojunctionH.W.Wang, W.G.Feng, H.M.Mao and Xin Sun.<br>76. Acta Physica Sinica, 38, 9(1989).Effects of Electron-Electron Interaction on the Electronic States of Polaron in PolyacetyleneLiu Jie, Fang Ke and Xin Sun.<br>77. Proc of 3rd China-Japan Symposium on Conduction and Photo-conduction in Organic Solids and related Phenomena, Hefei, China, 106(1989),Gap States of Soliton and Optical Absorption in (CH)xXin Sun, Dingwei Lu, Rouli Fu and Jie Liu.<br>78. Phys. Rev. lett. 63, 2535(1989).Reply on Electron Correlation and Bond Alternation in PolymersChangqin Wu, Xin Sun and Keiichiro Nasu.<br>79. Acta Physica Sinica, 38, 1271(1989).Electron Correlation and Many-Body Wave Function of Semiconductor Inversion LayerHongwei Wang, Jinshan Shao, Weiguo Feng and Xin Sun.<br>80. Acta Physica Sinica, 38, 1339(1989).New Localized Electronic States of Bipolaron in Cis - (CH)xShijie Xie, Liangmo Mei and Xin Sun.<br>81. Acta Physica Sinica, 38, 1506(1989).Ground State, Polaron and Bipolaron Excitation in Poly(p-phenylene)Shijie Xie, Liangmo Mei and Xin Sun.<br>82. Proc. of Interacting Electrons iReduced Dimensions, ed.D.Baeriswyl and D.K.Campbell,179 (Plenum Press, New York, 1989)Electron Correlation and Peierls InstabilityXin Sun, Jun Li and Chang-qin Wu.<br>83. Acta Physica Sinica, 38, 1648(1989).Correlated Basis Function Theory for Excited StatesZhigang Shuai, Xin Sun and Rouli Fu.84. Phys. Rev. B40, 12446(1989).<br>Gap States of Charged Soliton in PolyacetyleneXin Sun, Dingwei Lu, Rouli Fu, X.S. Li, D.L.Lin and Thomas F.George.<br>85. Phys. Rev. B40, 11728(1989).Optical Nutation in Polymers Irradiated by Ultrashort Laser PulsesXiaoshen Li, D.L.Lin, Thomas F. George and Xin Sun.<br>86. J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 2, 9713(1990).The Spectrum of Third-Order NonlinearSusceptibility of Trans-polyacetyleneXin Sun, Z.Shuai, R.Fu, K.Nasu, X.S.Li, D.L.Lin and T.F.George.<br>87. Phys. Rev. B41, 3280(1990).New Type of Optical Bistability in Polymers Mediated by PhononsX.Li, D.L.Lin, T.F.George and Xin Sun.<br>88. Phys. Rev. B41, 12845(1990).Nonlinear Optical Susceptibilities of Conducting PolymersChang-qin Wu and Xin Sun.<br>89. Phys. Rev. B42, 2977(1990).Phonon-Mediated Excitonic Optical Bistability in PolymersX.S.Li, D.L.Lin, T.F.George and Xin Sun.<br>90. Phys. Rev. B42, 9736(1990).Third Harmonic Generation of PolyacetyleneChang-qin Wu and Xin Sun.<br>91. Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics, ed. S.Ichimaru, (Elsevier, Science Publishers, 1990) p.259-262.Strongly Coupled One-Dimensional Electron System and the PolymerX.Sun, C.Q.Wu, R.L.Fu, D.L.Lin and T.F.George.<br>92. Acta Physica Sinica, 39, 620(1990).Theory of Second Harmonic Generation at Metal SurfaceLieming Li, Xin Sun and Weiguo Feng.<br>93. Acta Physica Sinica, 39, 289(1990).Electronic Bound States of Charged SolitionDingwei Lu, Xin Sun, Rouli Fu and Jie Liu.<br>94. Acta Physica Sinica, 39, 375(1990)Nonlinear Optical Effects in Conducting PolymersZhigang Shuai, Xin Sun and Rouli Fu.<br>95. Acta Physica Sinica, 39, 446(1990).Variational Calculation for Electron Correlations of Quasi 1D SystemHui-ming Mao, Jin-shan Shao, Hong-wei Wang, Wei-guo Feng and Xin Sun.<br>96. Acta Physica Sinica, 39, 607(1990).Effect of Electron Interraction on the Bandwidth of Conductive PolymersRou-li Fu, Zhigang Shuai and Xin Sun.<br>97. Acta Physica Sinica, 39, 802(1990).Lattice Vibration Spectra of Polymers with Nondegenerate Ground StateFan Ling, Chang-qin Wu and Xin Sun.<br>98. Progress in Physics, 10, 439(1990).Instability and Electron Correlation in Low Dimensional SystemsXin Sun, C.Q.Wu, J.N.Liu and R.L.Fu.<br>99. Chinese J. Semiconductors, 11, 493(1990).Excitation Spectrum in Semiconducting PolymersRouli Fu, Z. Shuai, J.Liu and Xin Sun.<br>100. Proc. Spectroscopy and Optoelectronics in Semiconductors and Related Materials, ed. S.C.Shen, J.h.Chu,(world Scientific,l990)p.211-220.Energy Band and Optical Gap of Organic SemiconductorJingnan Liu, Zhigang Shuai, Rouli Fu and Xin Sun.<br>101. Porc. Spectroscopy and Optoelectronics in Semiconductors and Related Materials, ed. S.C.Shen, J.H.Chu,(world Scientific,1990)p.405-409.Optical Nonlinearity in Semiconducting PolymersRouli Fu, Zhigang Shuai, Rongtang Fu and Xin Sun.<br>102. Phys. Rev. B44, 11042(1991).Electron Interaction and Optical Gap of Conjugated PolymersXin Sun, Z.Shuai, K. Nasu, D.L.Lin, T.F.George.103. Synthetic Metals, 43, 3213( 1991).<br>Nonlinear Optical Properties of Conducting PolymersC.Wu and Xin Sun.<br> == 参考资料=={{Reflist}}== 外部链接 ==