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这是一个依据事实、严谨公正、共同合作的正义百科,目的是让网际网路上的志愿者自由编辑,在伸张正义、没有私心杂念、相互尊重的前提下,为社会大众提供符合事实的揭密真相平台。This is an unbiased, integrity, rigorous and fair encyclopedia based on facts. The purpose is to allow volunteers on the Internet to freely edit. Under the premise of justice, lack of self-interest, and mutual respect, we will provide the public with a truth-based platform for disclosing facts.
我们不参与政治、党派、个人喜好之争,只要是有事实依据的内容都可以在揭密真相上自由编辑,正如我们所提倡的宣言We do not participate in political, partisan, and personal preferences. As long as there is a factual basis, you can freely edit the truth anonymously, just as we advocate the declaration: 事实揭露,揭密真相。The facts are revealed and the truth is revealed.
无论是任何年龄、来自何种文化或社会背景的人,只要遵守、服从揭密真相的规则,都可以参与编辑。只要是正确的,我们都放,但不保证所有内容正确无误,揭密真相上的条目不代表本网站的立场,为了避免违法,扰乱或者破坏,本网站可能会删除条目、内容,限制用户功能和封锁用户。Anyone of any age, culture or social background can participate in the editing as editors as long as they agree and follow the rules of revealing the truth. As long as it is correct, we let you put on Factpedia, but we do not guarantee that everything on Factpedia is correct. The entry on Factpedia does not represent the position of this website. In order to avoid illegal, disruptive problems, this website may delete entries, content, restrict user functions and block users.
Factpedia’s entries are in Chinese now, for all Chinese-speaking people in the United States and all over the world. We are trying our best to have an English version in the future. Factpedia Association INC is a non-profit organization established in Silicon Valley, USA. If you want to report violations or have any questions, please write to us at '''info@factpedia.org''' --Factpedia Association INC's attorney: [[楊安立]] Elizabeth Yang,Yang Law Offices-- 這是一個依據事實、嚴謹公正、共同合作的正義百科,目的是讓網際網路上的志願者自由編輯,在伸張正義、沒有私心雜念、相互尊重的前提下,為社會大眾提供符合事實的求真百科平台。 我們不參與政治、黨派、個人喜好之爭,只要是有事實依據的內容都可以在求真百科上自由編輯,正如我們所提倡的宣言: 事實揭露,揭密真相。 無論是任何年齡、來自何種文化或社會背景的人,只要遵守、服從求真百科的規則,都可以參與編輯。只要是正確的,我們都放,但不保證所有內容均正確無誤。求真百科上的條目不代表本網站的立場,為了避免違法,擾亂或者破壞,本網站可能會刪除條目、內容,限制使用者功能和封鎖用戶。 Factpedia Association INC (求真百科) 是成立於美國矽谷的非營利組織。 如果您想 举报违 檢舉違 法或有任何 问题 問題 请来 請來 咨询:info諮詢:'''info@factpedia.org'''  --求真百科特聘律師[[楊安立]](Elizabeth Yang),楊安立律師事務所--